
2. Long-term effects

To summarize, the toolbox of strategies for long-term effects addresses the same three areas of intervention (i.e, Actor/Network, Programmatic/Spatial, History/Culture), but is referring to the long-term effects of the up-scaled short-term actions. Implementation of this toolbox on a city-wide scale is dependent on the successful application of the short-term actions so that the attention of stakeholders in power draws back to the historic core. As a result, enough investment and policy modifications make the possible change. Strengthening the neighborhood community in the longer term expands the network of existing NGOs and experts in the neighborhood, as a result of this collaboration, there is a chance to create a collaborative decision-making process, which will result in a common platform for different actors’ meeting. Strengthening human-scale mobility in the long term will be an answer to Imamzadeh Yahya’s lack of public space by integrating the neighborhood into its larger urban fabric, and overcoming the traffic problems by making the parking lots more accessible, as well as a solution for the neighborhood’s lack of a clean and healthy environment by creating a green belt alongside the bike lane. Strengthening common spaces in slum housing in long term can be up-scaled into an affordable urban housing program for the historic core of Tehran.